
International Alumni stay in touch

Dear alumni,

The Taiwan Tech Office of International Affairs is working on a “Distinguished Alumni Series” (in cooperation with the Ministry of Education), where we feature career paths of outstanding alumni. In this series, we are presenting stories about alumni and alumnae, from different countries, fields, and career paths, who chose to stay in Taiwan and pursue their careers.

Here is a link to an example:

In the future, we might run a series on alumni who returned to their home countries or pursued their careers in other countries. 

We would be very happy if our alumni, who are working in the private sector or academia in Taiwan or abroad, accepted to be interviewed. If you are interested to be portrayed as an “Outstanding Alumnus of Taiwan Tech”, please share your contact information with us. 

Here is a link for google form:
We are looking forward to your response. Thanking you.

Your Taiwan Tech OIA