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"DELTA will hire more international graduates in coming years!" Interview with Charles Chen, DELTA Chief Human Resources Officer

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pCharles Chen is DELTA’s Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), based in Delta’s Headquarters, Neihu, Taipei. Having joined DELTA as an HR officer in 1995, he gathered extensive international experience in China and Thailand before returning to Taipei in 2016. Charles Chen has been involved in developing DELTA’s employer branding, and is one of the masterminds of the “Keep Exploring” campaign (在台達 永續發展你的未來).
DELTA has garnered several awards for its outstanding HR achievements over the years, the most recent one being the 2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award in the Talent Development Leadership- category.
On 14 December 2022, Mr. Chen was interviewed by Doris Teng and Stefanie Eschenlohr from Taiwan Tech Office of International Affairs in his office in Neihu, Taipei.

Q: DELTA is a global electronic manufacturing company with operations in all five continents. Could you please describe DELTA’s international workforce needs?   
Regarding our international staff, we are mostly looking for graduates with a master’s degree as minimum qualification. We prefer to hire more experienced graduates because they will usually be sent out to explore new markets and they will need to make full use of their strong sales skills. We are hiring talent from different fields, but ideally, candidates should have an engineering background – from almost any engineering discipline - even if they wish to join the sales team. As a high-tech company with a highly diversified product and solution portfolio, we need sales people who are able to think beyond the boundaries of their own field.
So, like all global companies, we want to recruit young people with certain core abilities: Robust analytical skills, strong critical thinking, and a solution-oriented mindset. DELTA employees should be proactive and innovative in their approach to problem-solving, considering all available resources and options in order to provide the most effective and efficient solution for the customer. That is demanding, but it also makes DELTA one of the most exciting places to work. As an internationally operating company, DELTA does not require applicants to have Chinese language skills, but the formula “English is a must, Chinese is a Plus” also holds for DELTA.  We would like to see more people learning a new language, so we offer financial support for language exchange classes.

pQ: How do you generally assess the prospects for foreign graduates to develop their careers in Taiwan?
I would say that foreign graduates generally have very attractive career prospects in Taiwan, if they hold a degree in the “right field”.
That means that they need to have expertise in an area where Taiwan’s industry needs human resources – i.e. a wide range of engineering disciplines, especially the electronics and power systems industry. Another factor is demographics – with the declining birth rate, the competition for bright minds will become even fiercer, which is an excellent chance for foreign graduates.



Q: If you compare local Taiwanese and international graduates. What are their respective strengths and weaknesses?
As I just mentioned, our sales personnel should understand our products and solutions and their respective technical features in sufficient depth. That requires extensive communications skills, which is, from my observation, one of the areas where international graduates often outperform local Taiwanese.  International students should have a good command of English language, as well as familiarity with Taiwanese culture. This will make it easier for them to communicate with local people and to understand what is happening around them.  International graduates are often very mobile and independent, which can be a both, good and bad.
On the one hand, they are able to move around and find work easily. On the other hand, they may not be used to living in a traditional society and may not be able to adjust as easily.
Furthermore, some foreign students are lacking confidence to stand up for themselves or to ask for what they want. This can be seen in their CVs or in their presentation skills. More training should be offered to boost their abilities and confidence, by universities but also by their employers.


Q:  What are typical international career paths within DELTA?
As I mentioned, we would often recruit international graduates and send them to one of our branch offices abroad, depending on their professional skills and their cultural-linguistic backgrounds. However, we also have established schemes which are open to all our employees, namely the Expatriate Rotation Acceleration (ERA) program, which offers the chance to work at different branch offices worldwide. In addition, we started a new program: Global Elite Mingle (GEM) for international talent who, after one year of training at the headquarters in Taiwan, will be sent to one of our branch offices abroad. There, they will have the opportunity to learn from experienced managers and gain hands-on experience through a variety of real-world projects and assignments.


Q: What are Delta’s recruitment plans and strategies for the near future?  p
Currently, our international workforce in Taiwan stands at 0.8%, i.e. 51 employees from 10 different countries. We are planning to increase this figure to 1%, and eventually to at least 2%. As for recruitment channels, we recruit about 70% through “classical channels” like job platforms, and 30% though other methods, such as university co-operations, internships, on-campus career-fairs, or referrals. We are closely working with leading universities in Taiwan, such as Taiwan Tech. The Delta–NTUST Joint Research and Development Center, established in 2020, is one of the biggest joint research centers with a Taiwanese university. This cooperation will be very valuable for recruiting future R&D workforce.


Q. DELTA is famed for its Employer Branding Campaign and its slogan "Develop Your Future Sustainably at Delta". Could you elaborate on this strategy?
DELTA has developed a centralized employer branding campaign which is being deployed in different regions. We believe that “sustainable development” should not just be a slogan, but be embedded in our business model, and thus, applied to our staff as well.  If the objective is to retain talent, we have to support people and help them to grow professionally. We are very proud of our successful Employer Branding campaign and the various Best Employer Awards that we have won. We continue to work hard to maintain and improve our Employer Branding program so that we can continue to attract the best talent in the industry. Though not often mentioned, one of the most powerful promotion tools is “Word-of-Mouth”: Most of our employees are satisfied with their work lives, and will recommend us to their family and friends. That is what builds our reputation at the end of the day!

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p陳啟禎人資長1995年加入台達,多年來在中國與泰國積累了豐富的國際經驗,2017年擔任全球人資長,帶領團隊擘劃與推廣雇主品牌成效卓著,以「Keep Exploring在台達 永續發展你的未來」為主軸,於全球進行招募活動,歷經數年深耕,履獲各類雇主品牌獎項的肯定,如近期便榮獲 2022 年《台灣企業永續獎》之「人才發展領袖獎」。













人資長分析,目前台達透過求職平台招聘的國際員工約7成,其餘3成則透過大學就業博覽會、師長推薦,或學生實習等途徑聘得。為尋得研發人才,台達更與臺灣多所頂尖大學合作設立聯合研發中心,如2020年成立「台達台科聯合研發中心」,鎖定 5G、雲端、人工智慧(AI 等技術研究發展,也落實人才培育。




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