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Taiwan-Indonesian Research Cooperation: The new Science and Technology Innovation Center for Circular Economy and Green Innovative Resources

Taiwan Tech is not only renowned for its achievements in sustainability research, but also for its decade-long collaboration with Indonesia. Thus, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the new Science and Technology Innovation Center for Circular Economy and Green Innovative Resources (STIC-CEGIR) was established as a collaborative initiative between Taiwan Tech and three Indonesian institutions, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), the Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU) and Indonesian Institute of Science. The new centre, inaugurated in 2022, is funded by both the Taiwan and the Indonesian governments.

Focus on waste reducation, sustainable material utilization, clean production

pThe STIC-CEGIR office at the ITS in Surabaya, with Director Jhy-Chern Liu, Taiwan Tech (standing, second from left) and Vice-Director Idaa Warmadewanthi, ITS, (sitting, third from right)

 pThe STIC-CEGIR is directed by Professor Jhy-Chern Liu from Taiwan Tech’s Department of Chemical Engineering, supported by two Vice-Directors, Idaa Warmadewanthi and Felycia Edi Soetaredjo, both Taiwan Tech alumna, who are heading the offices at the ITS and the WMSCU, respectively. 
Taiwan, renowned for its expertise in waste recycling and recovery, boasts well-established legal and administrative frameworks, as well as cutting-edge technologies for waste minimization. With the objective of collaborating with Indonesia's academic and industrial sectors, the establishment of the STIC-CEGIR aims to tackle waste reduction and encourage the adoption of clean production practices. The center aims to explore sustainable material utilization, particularly emphasizing the repurposing of industrial by-products and waste as construction materials, such as coal fly ash, water alum sludge, and spent bleaching clay. By exploring innovative methods and technologies, STIC-CEGIR seeks to transform these waste materials into valuable resources, thereby reducing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency. By harnessing the expertise and resources of both nations, the center aims to drive innovative solutions that contribute to a more sustainable future for Southeast Asia and beyond.

Science and Technology Innovation Centers in Indonesia and Singapore under Taiwan Tech's lead

The establishment of the STIC-CEGIR reflects the broader vision of Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The NSTC actively encourages universities and research institutes to establish Science and Technology Innovation Centers (STICs) in collaboration with South and South East Asian countries. Since 2017, twelve such centres have been set up in 10 countries, including Singapore, Indonesia, India, and others.
These STICs serve as hubs for substantial collaboration and the exchange of innovative technologies, aiming to foster regional development and address global challenges. 
In 2021, Taiwan Tech has successfully applied for another STIC in the field of humanities, the Taiwan-Singapore Intellectual Property Sciences and Technology Innovation Center with the National University of Singapur as institutional partner. The centre is directed by Professor Huang-Jen Chiu, Dean of Office of Research and Development and Director of the Taiwan Tech Center for Power Electronic Technologies.








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