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Alumni celebrate Taiwan Tech's 50th Anniversary, International Games System Co., Ltd. donates NTD15 million

To welcome the upcoming 50th anniversary celebration, Taiwan Tech recently held the “Alumni United, Cycling Around Taiwan” event, gathering alumni from all over the country through cycling and bus transportation, and inviting them to welcome this memorable moment together. At the same time, Taiwan Tech alumni and Chairman of International Games System Co., Ltd., Mr. Ke-Zhu Li, along with General Manager Mr. Shun-Cheng Jiang and Mr. Ai-Jian Chen, announced a joint donation of 15 million NT dollars, injecting strong and powerful momentum into Taiwan Tech's development.

President Jia-Yush Yen of Taiwan Tech.

President Jia-Yush Yen of Taiwan Tech.

Taiwan Tech alumni and Chairman of International Games System Co., Ltd., Mr. Ke-Zhu Li (first from left), along with General Manager Mr. Shun-Cheng Jiang (second from right) and Mr. Ai-Jian Chen (first from right), jointly donated 15 million NT dollars to support Taiwan Tech. President Jia-Yush Yen (second from left) accepted the donation on behalf of the university.

Taiwan Tech alumni and Chairman of International Games System Co., Ltd., Mr. Ke-Zhu Li (first from left), along with General Manager Mr. Shun-Cheng Jiang (second from right) and Mr. Ai-Jian Chen (first from right), jointly donated 15 million NT dollars to support Taiwan Tech. President Jia-Yush Yen (second from left) accepted the donation on behalf of the university.

The university has chosen “Fifty Years of Integrity, Foundation of Industry” as the central theme for welcoming its 50th anniversary celebration. Planning a series of celebratory events, the first to kick off is the “Alumni United, Cycling Around Taiwan” initiative. Led by President Jia-Yush Yen, along with three vice presidents, administrative executives, students, alumni, and representatives of international alumni, a group of 50 individuals set off from Taiwan Tech to embark on a cycling tour.

President Jia-Yush Yen expressed that Taiwan Tech is Taiwan's first technical college (National Taiwan Institute of Technology) and the pioneer in technical and vocational education at the tertiary level. Over the years, it has nurtured numerous outstanding talents who have excelled in various fields, carrying on the legacy. This event marks the beginning of Taiwan Tech's 50th anniversary celebration and symbolizes the collective advancement of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. It serves as an opportunity to personally invite alumni from all over to return to their alma mater next year and participate in the grand celebration of Taiwan Tech's half-century milestone.

President Jia-Yush Yen, along with three vice presidents, administrative executives, staff, and alumni, participated in the cycling and donation ceremony, collectively welcoming Taiwan Tech's 50th anniversary.

President Jia-Yush Yen, along with three vice presidents, administrative executives, staff, and alumni, participated in the cycling and donation ceremony, collectively welcoming Taiwan Tech's 50th anniversary.

President Jia-Yush Yen led the team as they departed from Taiwan Tech.

President Jia-Yush Yen led the team as they departed from Taiwan Tech.

EMBA Class of 2009 alumni from the Department of Information Management, Tsai-Jie He, who participated in the cycling tour, expressed his full appreciation for the enthusiasm and warmth of Taiwan Tech people during this journey. He remarked, “Watching the large group of Taiwan Tech people riding against the wind ahead of us from the rear of the convoy, I was deeply moved. It felt like our school badge shaped like a nut, tightly fastening the hearts of every Taiwan Tech member during this cycling event.”

Throughout the event, meetings were held with alumni associations from Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Central Taiwan, Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan, Southern Taiwan, and Eastern Taiwan, as well as with alumni from the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, including Ming-Feng Chen, the Mayor of Taitung City. They shared Taiwan Tech's development journey over the past fifty years, providing an opportunity for alumni to come together and experience the growth and progress of their alma mater.

The “Alumni United, Cycling Around Taiwan” event invited alumni to participate together, and the university also presented certificates of appreciation to express gratitude.

The “Alumni United, Cycling Around Taiwan” event invited alumni to participate together, and the university also presented certificates of appreciation to express gratitude.

During the cycling and donation ceremony, Chairman Ke-Zhu Li, General Manager Shun-Cheng Jiang, and Mr. Ai-Jian Chen jointly donated 15 million NT dollars as a fund to promote university affairs. Chairman Ke-Zhu Li expressed his hope that through this donation, they can encourage more Taiwan Tech alumni to join the 50th-anniversary celebration, making the event even more colorful and vibrant, and facilitating the smooth development of university affairs.

Taiwan Tech has been deeply committed to technical and vocational education for fifty years. The history of the school has been a complete development of the technical and vocational education system. It has always emphasized practical applications and highlighted the significant value of industry-academia cooperation. It has served as a powerful support for industrial advancement. President Jia-Yush Yen, who was recently re-elected, will continue to lead Taiwan Tech forward, maintaining its crucial role in promoting industrial development and leveraging the influence of the university.

Taiwan Tech, along with students and alumni, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary.

Taiwan Tech, along with students and alumni, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary.

The team rode through the Golden Coast of Tainan, capturing the “Taiwan Tech Riding Trails” with a drone.

The team rode through the Golden Coast of Tainan, capturing the “Taiwan Tech Riding Trails” with a drone.

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