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Taiwan Tech Facilitates High-level Engineering Talent Development in Paraguay through Industrial Technology Research Institute Visit.

Taiwan Tech has a close academic collaboration with Paraguay. In recent years, Paraguay has been committed to industrial upgrading and aims to establish the Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University as a research-oriented university. Consequently, there is an urgent need for talent in the fields of science and technology. To enhance students' understanding of applied science and advanced technology, Shan-Hsiang Shen, Director of the UPTP Project Office for Education and Research, led 30 Paraguayan exchange students on a visit to the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Hsinchu. This visit not only allowed them to learn about the research achievements of the institute in areas such as electronics, semiconductors, biomedicine, and materials but also provided internship opportunities for Paraguayan students. These internships enable students to collaborate with top researchers at the institute on projects and bring back advanced technologies to assist in the development of local industries in Paraguay.

Thirty exchange students from Paraguay visit the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Hsinchu. The picture shows students from Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University attentively listening to the institute's presentation.

Thirty exchange students from Paraguay visit the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Hsinchu. The picture shows students from Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University attentively listening to the institute's presentation.

ITRI ​​is one of Taiwan's top applied research institutions, oriented to promoting industrial development and creating economic value through technological research and development. ITRI has also specially arranged experts to explain R&D results to Paraguayan students, including robots that combine imaging and automation technologies. In addition to accurately controlling the robotic arm to make detailed movements, it can also automatically identify and avoid obstacles on the road. Automated robots can be used in processing manufacturing and logistics industries to significantly reduce labor costs, which is of great help to industrial technology upgrades. Paraguayan students are very interested in innovative technologies and have in-depth exchanges on technical details and commercialization trends and challenges.

In addition, ITRI also led students to visit the technology exhibition hall, where dedicated personnel explained ITRI’s award-winning technologies related to semiconductors, biomedicine, materials, machinery, electrical machinery, and information. For example, using AI to optimize the parameter settings of semiconductor manufacturing tools can make the control more precise and quickly customize it according to different needs, providing enterprises with more diversified services.

Paraguayan students visited and listened to the development of Taiwan's engine technology.

Paraguayan students visited and listened to the development of Taiwan's engine technology.

The Industrial Technology Research Institute introduces the latest detection methods for macular degeneration.

The Industrial Technology Research Institute introduces the latest detection methods for macular degeneration.

Energy sustainability is also a crucial global issue. ITRI takes pride in its award-winning sustainable energy system, which combines high flexibility, full circulation, low carbon emissions, and low-cost advantages. It is an award-winning technology that ITRI is proud of. ITRI generously allows students to try out various new technologies, fostering lively interaction during Q&A sessions and arousing students' interest in research and development. Paraguayan students expressed deep impressions of ITRI's state-of-the-art equipment and history and indicated their intention to consider applying for internships in the future.

Currently, Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University has 193 students studying in the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Industrial Management, and Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. It helps students increase practical experience and practice university social responsibility (USR), enhances research energy, and is committed to cultivating future teachers and senior engineering talents in Paraguay.

As Taiwan progresses towards becoming a semiconductor powerhouse, ITRI plays an important role. For the development of Paraguay, the experience of establishing a national scientific research institution is very important. Detailed explanations in the ITRI museum about the institute's establishment and its strategies to aid Taiwan's industrial development offer valuable lessons. Paraguayan students expressed their eagerness to bring back the valuable experiences learned in Taiwan to assist Paraguay in developing high-end technologies.

The students visited Taiwan's development and equipment in personal computing.

The students visited Taiwan's development and equipment in personal computing.

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